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The hay purchased from last season’s cut is almost gone. With little forage here in the paddocks now, I’m feeding out a lot. I need to order more in to get everyone through until the next hay cut, which won’t happen until the end of the year.

I have a truckload of round bales on order and they’ll be here in the next week or two. I’ll need to start ordering small squares on a regular basis (from a different supplier) once the current supply runs out. This will be in several weeks time.

$2,000 should come close to covering hay needs until the next cut. I can’t put an exact amount on it as it could vary greatly due to availability and weather. 

If there happens to be any funding left over, it will go towards the cost of other essential daily supplementary feed which includes chaff, grains and pellets.

Any donation, big or small, is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support. Without it, Gunyah could not continue to save and enhance the lives of animals in need. You can donate by clicking here. Thank you.