Sponsor Barn Stall #1


This barn stall is a vital multi purpose area, which many of the residents benefit from.

Countless ill and orphaned animals have been kept safe and warm here while they receive the care they need. Goat kids, lambs, calves, and even some of the feathered residents have benefited from this stall. There was even an injured koala in care briefly here until we could get her to a carer.

When the farrier’s here the ponies stay in the barn stall, munching away on fresh forage while they await their pedicures. Sheep residents Wally, Jarrah and Morty also come in here regularly to have their breakfast and dinner.

The CCTV camera above the stall allows for close monitoring of any critically ill patients around the clock.

Sold out


What this sponsorship gets you:

  • Naming rights to Barn Stall #1 for 12 months
  • A beautiful sign/plaque with your allocated Stall name, along with “Donated by: your name(s), suburb/city”
  • A dedicate thank you post on the Gunyah.org website, Facebook and Instagram accounts, along with your choice of message and tags  (Optional – as we know some people like to remain anonymous)
  • After the timeframe expires your plaque will be immortalised at Gunyah, on our “forever grateful wall” in the barn
  • Priority renewal option 1 month before the sponsorship timeframe expires

....plus an eternity of gratitude from the animals, Kathy and the entire team!